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v 1945-1954

· Adjusting State budget during 1945 - 1954

· Unified state financial management during 1951 – 1954

v 1955 -1975

· Building and implementing State Budget to be in consistent with existing situation and requirements of action plan on economy rehabilitation during 1955 - 1957.

· Three year Socialist reform and initial culture - economy development (1958 -1960)- State Budget is continuously strengthened and developed

· The Third Communist Party Congress on the Socialist industrialization and financial target during 1961 -1965.

· Improving the State Budget revenue regime during 1961 -1965

· Strengthening the budget management for the Socialist industrialization during 1961-1965.

· Building the Social Insurance regime during 1961 -1965

· Strengthening the expense management, practicing economy for taking a step forward an improved economy accounting regime during 1961-1965

· Important addition and renewal on the financial policy and mechanism during 1966-1975

· State Budget during 1966 – 1975

v 1976 - 1980

· State Budget revenue

· State Budget Expenditure

· State Budget Fund management

· Revenue and Expenditure balance and budget surplus solutions

· Decentralization on the State Budget management levels between Central and local.

v 1986-1990

· State Budget Revenue

· State Budget Expenditure

· State Budget preparation and implementation

· State Budget fund management

· Revenue and Expenditure balance and budget surplus solutions

· Decentralization on State Budget management levels between Central and local

v 1991 - 2000

· Finance sector of Vietnam in 10 year reform